M. Franklin-ITT Tech

336-819-5900 Ext. 5805



Class Documents

SP2750 Syllabus.pdf

SP2750 Class Policies.pptx


Unit 1

U1:E1 - Saving the World from Dracula - Go to pg. 21-23 in your book. Read the scenario about Dracula. Rank the tools by order of importance to the success of the group. Then use this as a guide to write a plan of attack on Dracula. You should include a title pg., then your plan, written as a narrative, then the number sequence of your ranking system below the plan.

U1:E2 - Stages of Group Development - Describe the five stages of group development in detail and provide examples.

U1:J1 - U1 Journal Entry - Describe the importance of the norms of the class room.

Unit 2

Unit 2 Chapter 8.pptx

U2:E1 - Resolving Controversy Through Creative Problem Solving - Society needs to protect and educate their children. How can we do that under constant threat of a school shooting? Find a possible resolution to this problem and defend it using research. Then research the opposing view and try to resolve the issues the opposing view has regarding your resolution.

U2:J1 - U2 Journal Entry - Discuss the importance of having an open mind when resolving controversy.

Unit 3

U3:E1 - Diversity Impact on Groups - Watch the movie Remember the Titans. In a word document, discuss how the characters go from diversity being a problem to being a unified group using the four stages referenced in your text on pgs. 460-462.

U3:E2 - Working Styles - In a word document, list all the bolded words from chapter 10 with their definitions.

U3:J1 - U3 Journal Entry - Discuss why diversity is vital to our society's growth and progress.

Unit 4

Unit 4 Quiz (U1-3)

U4:E1 - One-Way and Two-Way Communication - Sitting back to back with a partner, designate one as the speaker and one as the listener. Describe the picture given to the speaker by the instructor to the listener without showing it to to the listener. Compare results with the original to see which pair had the best communication.

U4:J1 - Active Communication - Free write about why active communication is the best form of communication.

Unit 5

U5:J1 - Group Formation - Discuss how you saw the four stages of group development play out while working on your presentations.

Unit 6

U6:P1 - Group Teaching Presentations (Functionalism & Shutz Theory) - Students present their given theory to the class.

U6:J1 - Learning from Peers - Explain the theory presented by the opposing group.

Unit 7

Quiz 2 - Units 4, 5, & 6 - Please see the librarian in the LRC to make-up your quiz within the next week.
U7:E1 - Consensus - Define a problem and solution and write them on the opposite sides of the fish diagram below. Then define what machine, people, processes, and materials that you will need to make your resolution a reality.
U7:J1 - Individual vs. Group Decision Making - Discuss which is better and why.
Unit 8
U8:E1 - Problem Solving Process and Managing Conflict - Watch Apollo 13. Apply social exchange theory and systems theory to specific examples from the film. Also, describe a specific example of when the characters followed the stages of decision making, and conflict resolution.
U8:J1 - Conflict Resolution in Decision Making - Discuss the interconnectedness of these two concepts. Can you have one without the other?
Unit 9
U9:E1 - Leadership Actions - Pick a leader and apply the five theories of leadership to him/her.
U9:J1 - Leadership Assumptions - Take the "27. What's My Leadership Style?" quiz in the virtual library. Email results.


Misti Franklin
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